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Post # 4 - The Future of Today!

The Future of Today!


            The fact is that climate change is real. It’s one of the biggest threats that the planet faces. Despite all this, there are many ways in which we can fix these issues. These solutions start in your own backyard. For starters, the residents of British Columbia must stop purchasing Nestlé water bottles. There is absolutely no need for the population of Metro Vancouver to obtain water from water bottling companies. Our tap water is extremely safe to drink and very affordable. Second, by speaking to your local MLA representative, issues concerning Nestlé Waters Company can be brought up in a clear and concise manner. These elected members are usually more than willing to discuss matters that affect their citizens. Third, spreading awareness and informing the public on these affairs is a critical step that mustn’t be avoided. Knowledge is power, and power is within the people. The more information that the public is aware of, the better that chances that we have at tackling climate change and environmental issues that our province faces. Last, the planets misuse of water must seize. For instance, Canada has “an abundance of rivers, lakes, and even three oceans,” yet, we are “taking it for granted” (Mortillaro). In general, Canadians tend to waste “about 65 percent of it in their bathrooms” (Mortillaro). Yet, that is only one fraction of the amount of water waste. Some of the other culprits include watering lawns, washing cars, and excessive use in the Alberta oil sands. All things considered, our human race has the power and technology to tackle climate change. A green technologically sustainable future is possible. The power is in the hands of the people. 


Mortillaro, Nicole. “This Is How Much Water Canadians Waste.” Global News, Global News, 30 Oct. 2016,

Gedak, James. Instagram, Picdeer, 27 Aug. 2018,


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